Valentines and Total Defence

Now, both Valentine's Day and Total Defence are over. I shall discuss my thoughts on them. What is your view towards Valentine's day? In my opinion, Valentine's day should not be created at all. After that day, your wallet would feel unusually a lot lighter, but you did not remember spending money on anything at all. Sadly, the only thing that retained in your memory is your spouse/girlfriend. The boutiques all over the world would also earn huge profits from males buying flowers for their girlfriend/spouse at exorbitant prices. Not that they noticed. They were obviously thinking of the plan of activities they would be engaged together during the day. Well, and maybe the night.

Talking about spending money, I recall reading a newspaper article accusing Singapore girls cheapskates, for they always expect the guy to pay for everything. Of course, if the male bought a gift for the female, you obviously could not tell the female to pay for a gift meant to her. But things like eating. A woman in an online forum posted something like: The male should always pay as it is the male who initiated the relationship and if he could not afford to support the female, he has no rights in being involved in a relationship with the female. That comment spurred many angry responses from males which I would not further elaborate on. In an aspect, I agree with the woman. If you had no means of supporting her and a family, then you should not get into a relationship in the first place and should go work for a more stable income.

But shouldn't the female also contribute to the relationship? And since the man initiated, the woman could have a choice of rejecting. Why should it be one-sided? Does it always have to be the men giving and women receiving? Are the women incapable of supporting themselves so that the men must support themselves and also the women?

I am not pointing that women should pay, but they should occasionally give a little contribution. Anyway, if the man and woman married, there would probably be a period when they have not started having children. Since the man would have means of supporting both of them, the woman might go shopping everyday, meaning spending the man's money frequently. After having children, the women must care for them, while the man would continue working as usual. As you can see, women "owe" men. Not to mention the amount of money spent on "woo-ing" her. Have you forgotten the movies, flowers, cards, dinners? What about the ring, wedding, house and car? Of course, being men, they have a sense of chivalry and would pay for the women at all costs but contributing a little wouldn't hurt either right? And it could act doubly as a surprise too.

Now we shall talk about Total Defence. Heard recently about the Danish cartoons insulting the Prophet Mohammad of Islam? I think it is a bad idea about being a racist. Although there are Muslims going around with guns and bombs and planes, shooting down Christians and crashing into buildings, there are bound to be these kinds of people in every religion. Maybe not to that extreme. But in Christianity, there is also its fair share of hypocrites. Look at Singapore, a multi-racial country. We depend on that trait that many countries don’t have. That is why the racist bloggers were punished so severely. If Singapore turned a blind eye on racists, Singapore might very well collapse. Many of our talents are also from other races. We should be responsible for what we say, as it would affect others. Do not just judge others by their skin colour. Although some religions require followers to apply some form of perfume or oil on their, or other forms of requirements that might offend you, so that you would detest or make fun of their religion or race. We should respect religions of other races and especially their skin colour. They are born with it, so how can you scorn them? Only by doing this we could gain respect from others.

Sian the common tests are coming. Gona fail chinese