March Holidays

Lo and behold, the holidays are back again! But 'holiday' does not seem to fit the description. As usual we have loads to do. We have 3 projects yet to be completed - Project work, Chinese and Literature, and 2 tests after the hols ends - Chem and Bio. What holiday is this?! We can't even enjoy one week. Ah can't help it. Monday will be spent on Initial D and Chinese Project at Junneng's house. Xiaotian and I will do Project work today by communicating over the Internet. Lit project not fixed yet.

Two days will be put aside to study for Chem and Bio, because they are important.One more day used for Leadership Course. So 5 days are confirmed used up.

But I am damned satisfied with my results

Common Test Final-Ever-Update

Chinese - 57.1
English - 56.7

All results

Art 58
English 56.7
Geography 96
Higher Chinese 57.1
History 85
Literature 66
Mathematics 70
Science 74

Miraculously, the Chinese paper's mark was based only on the composition. So even though Chia Lek Ki marked biasedly against the Boys (Xiaotian only scored 24/35!), I still got 20/35. And my English was rounded off to a decimal place. So my average is 70.35! A whopping A!!!!! Although Wang Jun got 70.46, but at least I caught up with him. I am very satisfied. An A! Woooooo. Can't help for Art though. You must have talent, unless you are talking about digital art. That's easy. Chinese, I just don't have Chinese brains. English, if its not based solely on Comprehension and especiall SUMMARISING, I can bet you I would score. Now I feel like working hard for all papers. This is so much different from last year, so slack. I must strive to be the top ten in class. And everyone must work hard together, so that 210 will not be labelled as a class with lousy academic results any more! Majulah 210!